Table of Contents

🗓️ Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 2/27/2024.

1. Overview

This Privacy Policy describes how /when ("the App," "we," "us," or "our") collects, uses, and shares information when you use the App on the Discord platform. By using the App, you agree to the terms outlined in this policy.

2. Information We Collect

  1. Discord user data at poll creation or voting time:
    1. User IDs
    2. Usernames
    3. Avatar URLs
  2. Discord channel data at poll creation time:
    1. Channel IDs
    2. Channel names
  3. Discord server data at poll creation time:
    1. Server IDs
    2. Server names

3. Use of Collected Information

3.1. Discord User Data

  1. Poll persistence: We need to store poll state information, including which user IDs voted on which dates, so poll messages can be displayed properly and refreshed/reposted independently of their current format, including when the app restarts.
  2. Website synchronization: The app creates a unique, unlisted shareable link at poll creation time, which lands on a page displaying the poll in a convenient table format.
    1. The shareable link pages require Discord usernames and avatar URLs to display the poll.
    2. Users can vote on the poll using a shareable link page, which will reflect on the poll message in Discord and vice-versa. This requires storing the poll state and which user IDs are voting on which dates.
    3. Users can log in to the site to conveniently list and manage all polls they have created or voted on (“My Events” page), which is achieved by storing which user IDs are voting on which polls.
  3. Poll creator preferences: We are developing functionality to save poll creator preferences such as favorite timezone and hours, for which we need their user ID.
  4. Command logging: If a user creates a poll or uses the feedback command, we log their username to facilitate debugging and support, and to prevent and report abuse.
  5. Statistics to improve the app.

3.2. Discord Channel Data

  1. Poll persistence: Channel ID is required to repost poll messages to keep them up-to-date.
  2. Channel preferences: We are developing functionality such as automatic polls, for which channel IDs and names are needed for customization and saving preferences.
  3. Command logging: If a user creates a poll or uses the feedback command, we log the channel name to facilitate debugging and support.
  4. Statistics to improve the app.

3.3. Discord Server Data

  1. Load guardrail: We use server IDs to set a cap on the number of simultaneous polls running in a given server.
  2. Server preferences: We are developing functionality such as automatic polls, for which server IDs and names are needed for customization and saving preferences.
  3. Command logging: If a user creates a poll or uses the feedback command, we log the server ID to facilitate debugging and support, and to prevent and report abuse.
  4. Statistics to improve the app.

4. Data Retention

4.1. Retention Period

  1. Discord user data: 30 days since the last poll the user created or voted on, or until deleted by the user.
  2. Discord channel data: 30 days since the last poll was created in the channel, or until the app is kicked from its server.
  3. Discord server data: 30 days since the last poll was created on the server, or until the app is kicked from the server.
  4. Discord data in command logs: 30 days.

4.2. Data Removal Options

  1. To remove their data and votes before the automatic 30 days removal period, users can type the command /remove-data and “yes” to confirm.
  2. Users can also request deletion of their data through our support server and contact form:
  3. Server and channel data will be deleted upon kicking the app from the server.

5. Information Sharing

5.1. Third-Party Services

We do not share collected data with third-party services.

5.2. Legal Compliance

We may disclose information in response to a legal request or to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

6. Security

6.1. Data Security

We take all necessary measures to protect the security of your information during transmission and storage.

6.2. No Guarantees

While we strive to protect your information, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us.

7. Changes to Privacy Policy

7.1. Updates

We may update this Privacy Policy periodically. The date of the last update will be reflected at the top of the policy.

7.2. Notification

Users will be notified of any material changes to this policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or the data we collect, you can contact us using our contact form.